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About big_wolf

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  • Birthday 08/31/1990

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  • Network
    Reliance CDMA
  • Reliance Mobile Handset
    Other CDMA Handset
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    grand 2
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  1. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Still cdma is working as usual as well as 4g is working superb Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
  2. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    4g live in nagpur maharashtra. Currently the speed is 28 mbps Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
  3. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    My wipod plan changed from hsdrevbpro3_tul_1299 to lterevbpro3_tul_1299.25gb. And old wipod is still working
  4. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    My wipod plan changed from hsdrevbpro3_tul_1299 to lterevbpro3_tul_1299.25gb Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
  5. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Dear Customer, launching 4G LTE data services on 30 June. Keep your WiPod ready to enjoy awesome 4G experience. RCOM Got this msg now Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk I am from maharashtra circle
  6. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    report from nagpur/maharashtra. MY 4g wipod is showing red(no signal) (it was activated on 1/6/15 then no signal on 2/6/15 ) and after my complain reliance started my cdma network and it can latched to pro 3/hybrid network. wtf they want to do now
  7. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    From 2 hours i don't have network on my 4g dongle. I talked to CC she said it have some technical glitches and will sort out within 6 hours. As priority on corporate connection they activated 4g dongle before individual connection. Then i asked as my colleague didn't get activation for 4g dongle yet. then she said 4g services will start activation from 4 june for maharashtra circle as the date is given from upper authority. His CDMA is still working and latched to 1x network. So here is a news for maharashtra circle that 4g services will start from 4/june for individuals. Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
  8. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Nagpur/maharashtra Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
  9. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Yes, my 4g dongle is working yeppii. Speed Getting 23mbps download and 12 mbps upload. But network have glitches. It will sort out soon Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
  10. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    its here still cdma network is alive..... i think they will migrate us in last week of june into 4g till now enjoy reliance no. 1x speed
  11. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    when dongle will activate any idea?
  12. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Any news for dongle users? Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
  13. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    any dongle user got activation?
  14. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    There is no network since morning hybrid mode is latched to 1x and now 1x mode is also not working 4g wipod is still inactive state.... circle : nagpur MH&GOA Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk
  15. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Any news for maharashtra circle? Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk