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Everything posted by gjp

  1. Installing the New OTA Update for HTC Incredible

    If you're willing to apply the OTA manually (via SD card) i've posted a link to a downloadable file in the HTC Incredible thread, post # 400. I reinstalled the stock Recovery on my Incredible and had no problem installing the OTA from the stock recovery (by renaming the OTA update.zip). regards, gjp
  2. I installed the OTA this evening. I had to download it from this URL: http://android.clients.google.com/packages/ota/verizon_incredible/00cb7fa66e35.OTA_IncredibleC_Verizon_WWE_3.26.605.1_3.21.605.1_release_sign.zip . I reinstalled the stock recovery (2.1) and then installed with no issues (the OTA the was pushed via wifi hung. Then reinstalled ClockworkMod with no issues. I'm still trying to judge any tangible improvements in performance. As per some postings on driodforum.net and xda-developers.com the are rumors as to improved battery charging with the patches in this update. Here is the change log of OTA. The most useful may be the improved Yahoo Mail support, larger attachement size, security enhancements, and Google Maps portait/landscape viewing: * Updated Flash Player with security enhancements * Visual Voice Mail Wifi improvements and removal of incorrect service messages and post-call notifications * Better support for Yahoo IMAP e-mail * Update to Slacker Radio app * You can attach files larger than 5MB * Updated Cox POP3 e-mail settings * Updated Comcast POP3 e-mail settings * Play YouTube videos in the YouTube app (that's new?) * Seamlessly switch between portrait/landscape in Google Maps * Search key and other buttons displayed in the correct order (what's the wrong order?) * VCAST app lets you bill apps to your Verizon account cheers, gjp
  3. Hi everyone. I came across the new post on Engadget.com about a software update comeing out for the Increbible. "Droid Incredible update starts rolling out, packs fixes and V CAST Apps " http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/11/droid-incredible-update-starts-rolling-out-packs-fixes-and-v-ca/ Does anyone have any more insight on this update other then what's in the article? Will those of us who are rooted have to go through the whole Unroot, Downgrade to 2.1, upgrade, apply update, reroot process? @dkaile I was following your directions for getting a rooted 2.2 phone back to unrooted 2.1 (post # 339) and I think there is a step missing. I may very well be wrong since I'm still fairly new to rooting, etc... and you have much more experience than I at that so I'll defer to you. In Section A Step 3 gives a link to a file that is ~3.3MB in size. I think it's only the recovery software and not the 2.1 OTA. I believe that the 2.1 still needs to be installed to update to 2.2. I followed your instructions to get the Recovery and then followed these instructions, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=760651 (Section 6), with a link to the 2.1 OTA update. This worked for me. regards,
  4. you can try this fix to get the Market App working: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Android+Market/thread?tid=2d18c1ad06262499&hl=en however, it only worked temporarily for me. after a few reboots of the phone, the was delinked again. mayeb you'll have better luck... gjp
  5. Hello. Need some guidance. I'm having issues using the Market App on Froyo 2.2. I'm currently running Froyo 2.2, Rooted, S-OFF. History: I got the phone recently and after having it programmed I was pushed the 2.2 OTA my phone (wifi) by Verizon. The phone worked fine in all aspects with good performance after that. The Market App was responding, however I was not able to use the Market App - getting the server down / could not establish connection. As per advice I down graded to 2.1 (unrooted, etc...) I was able to register and use the Market App to download some apps. I then upgraded to 2.2 by manual (via SD card) process as per the instructions earlier in this thread. The upgrade went through, but when I tried to use the Market App I got the error "The linked app is no longer installed" I used a fix as described here, http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Android+Market/thread?tid=2d18c1ad06262499&hl=en Essentially this fix had me force the reinstall of the Market App. (then after Market App then showed as a downloaded app in the app list) This worked temporarily, because after several reboots of the phone the App again disappeared and I got the same "The linked app is no longer installed". So I did a data wipe in Clockwrok recovery, (some online searchs had advised this), but now I'm back to the issue from the beginning I can no longer sign-on to my google account via the Market App (get the - the server down / could not establish connection - error again). ------------ It seems that applying the OTA via SD card broke the link or did not install the Market App. Is this so? Is there a way to force an OTA push to the phone again from Verizon or whomever? Would this solve ths issue? Any other way I can get the Market App to work on Froyo 2.2 Any adivse/guidance is greatly appreciated. thanks, gjp
  6. @n_iceman- thanks for thanks for the earlier list of apps @amit.shah - thanks for EVRC-B info. I did not realize that the first page of this thread was updated with that info as well (updated 9/2010) ROOTING / Unrevoked Clarification: (If I should create a new thread for questions like this please let me know.) I need some clarification/advice on Rooting. I'm running a totally stock phone with an OTA 2.2 update. So I should have the latest radio update (I have 2.15) and only need root to install some apps and remove some default apps,etc... From my understanding with the release of Unrevoked 3.21, it gives you root access, permanently unlocks your NAND Flash, and gives you S-OFF. So what is the difference between Unrevoked 3.21 and Unrevoked Forever? Do I still need to run Unrevoked Forever after running Unrevoked 3.21? Do I need to install a SuperUser App? Does Unrevoked3.21 install a SuperUser App? After these steps I'll make a NANDROID backup. I believe that's all I need to do, correct? From here I can install and remove apps! P.S. For background info in addition to the very useful info that dkaile (thanks!) put on the first page of this thread there is good summary infor for Newbies (like me) at - http://www.cyberjunx.com/blog/android/about Thanks, ghanshyam
  7. Hi Everyone. I could use your help on a couple things on the Incredible that I'm trying to do/fix: 1. I've been getting less than expected sound quality (in coming) on my Incredible. The voices are muffled at times and it gets hard to understand what the person is saying. This happens even with 3 or 4 bars. On the xda-developes site I found some information regarding switching the phone from EVRC to EVRC-B. With the caveat that the service providers needs to support EVRC-B. Does anyone know if Reliance is supporting EVRC-B on thier CDMA network? Or any other fixs I can try for this issue? 2. Is there a way to change the way the phone searches for contacts in phone mode? I'd like the phone to search contacts in phone mode in the same way non-smart phones do. Currently when I search for a contact in phone mode it searches for all contacts that have that letter in any name field for that contact (i.e. in first name, last name, etc..) While in all the phones (non smart phones) that I have used in the past it would search from the first letter of the name entered (i.e. if I entered P it would search with all entries that start with P). I prefer the way second way because the searches are done by alphabetically (i.e. all first entries of P are shown when entering P). This is easier and faster for me to find my contacts, and it makes it easier for me to visually pick the name from the screen. Thanks, ghanshyam
  8. Hey Everyone, Well, I FINALLY FINALLY got my HTC Incredible working courtesy of Dr. Mufaddal. I actually got the phone working about 12 days back, but I was traveling where they don't have CDMA service so I was not able to use the phone until now. So I'd like to say a very big THANKS to him. I met up with him one afternoon and he was able to get it working in a couple of hours. Very nice and professional person! I would definitely work with him again or recommend him! Now on to using the phone. It's really annoying that I have to export and import my Contacts to a gmail account or manually enter all the Contacts in the phone. But I guess everything can't be easy... gjp
  9. Hi everyone! I've been following this board for about the last 1 month. I've not posted much becuase I've not had an Incredible and hence not much to contribute. But that is changing very soon... I'm getting my HTC Incredible in 1-2 days! So I'm eager to get it working. This is going to be my first smart phone so can anyone recommend any must-have or killer apps that I should load on the phone? Thanks, gjp
  10. Hi everyone. Thought I'd pass something along that I just read on engadget.com. It seems like the official release of Froyo for the Incredible it finally coming out... "The revolving door: Froyo for Droid Incredible coming tomorrow" http://www.engadget.com/2010/08/26/the-revolving-door-froyo-for-droid-incredible-leaks-as-froyo-fo/ regards
  11. Dear Arun, thanks for the info. this is unfortunate that EVDO will not be enabled on the phone. that was one of the very appealing features of paying the price for the phone. is this becuase Reliance won't allow it, or is this because of some hardware issues? i am assuming there is no way to get this enabled/working? i was considering to the get the Galaxy i899 which has EVDO enabled but the Incredible has much much better hardware.... also, if i were to import the phone myself (i have relatives/friends going back-n-fro to the US quite often) could i have someone "flash" the phone for me to work on Reliance? i could probably buy a used Incredible in the US for very reduced priced compared to a new one. thank, gjp
  12. Hi. I'm new to this forum. I am not a very technical person hence some of my questions below. Thanks in advance for any help!!! I'm looking to get the HTC Incredible, and use it on the Reliance CDMA network, and wanted to get some information on a few things before spending the princely sum on it. It looks like an awesome phone and I am keen on getting it. - Is the only thing that I have to do is make sure that the phone I get from the US works here in India is that it has a clean ESN? Anything esle? - Since I am looking to get the Incredible from the US (with a clean ESN) would I be able to use Reliance's Netconnect Broadband (3.1mbps down/1.8 up) with this phone? According the HTC website the phone has the required radios to support this capability. I hope that as long as I request Reliance to enable this feature on my account I'll be able to use this. - Would I be able to use the GPS/AGPS that is a feature of the phone/os on the Reliance network? - The phone comes with Android 2.1 and HTC has said that they will release an update to Android 2.2 sometime this year. If Verizon releases this update via OTA is there a way to manually (I guess that means downloading the update and then installing it) install this update since the phone will be "off" the Verizon network? Or am I better off waiting for the update to be released and then buying an already updated phone? - Anything else I should we aware of, as in limitations, when getting the phone and using it on Reliance? - Is there an import/grey/etc... market here in India where I can get this phone, rather than getting it via the US? I guess in short what I am asking is will the phone function with all it's features here in India on Reliance as it does on Verizon in the US. Thanks for any help and information gjp.