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@mitJ@in last won the day on April 25 2016

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256 Excellent

About @mitJ@in

  • Rank
    RIM Veteran
  • Birthday 06/23/1987

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  • Full Name
    Amit Jain
  • City
    New Delhi / Delhi
  • Network
    Reliance CDMA
  • Reliance Mobile Handset
    Other CDMA Handset
  • Secondary Handset
    - Select Handset -

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  1. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Only GOD KNOWS when CDMA will be migrated to LTE. RCom's employees are responsbile for its sink, Today RCom has not being emerged as No1 Operator of India despite giving best tariffs and offer to customer; All credit goes to its Employees who always shirk work being developer,customer service people, marketing people. CDMA Base has already gone churned to extreme level to competition.
  2. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

  3. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Yes I shall send you 2 LTE Sims to your Kolkata address when i come up with online process over RIMweb.in for Migration
  4. WiPod Rev B works on MTS in Delhi Circle, as CDMA going to turn off, RCom is offering free upgrade to NetConnect+ user to Wipod for selected customers. Later on after June, they can upgrade to LTE.
  5. Hello RIMwebians, As you all know, current RCom CDMA Spectrum is getting vacant for Band 5 LTE network, RCOM Delhi Circle has launched very aggresive offer for Old good payer Postpaid User of NetConnect+ Dongle. Under this scheme the high ARPU Gold, Platinuim and Silver category users shall get ABSOLUTELY FREE upgrade to latest launched WiPod Mini LAVA MF 802s WiFi Battery dongle. Delhi Users of RCom NetConnect+ dongle may call Customer Care 180030005555 or visit nearest Reliance Office to get the free dongle free of cost. To know the status whether you are eligible or not, you can leave the MDN of your NetConnect+ Pospaid dongle in the thread and i shall let you know whether you are eligible or not. Thanks Amit Jain You need to submit following to get free WiPod worth Rs. 1800 ID Proof Photo Old Dongle Soon i am coming up with online service for providing you all free WiPod dongle too, stay tuned to RIMweb.in.
  6. Reliance CDMA Network Upgrade To 4G LTE

    Free 10GB Data on Upgrade to LTE for Postpaid as well as Prepaid. Postpaid user shall get by default. Prepaid user for recharge with FRC(Circle Specific) Prepaid user shall get additionally 150 Minutes Free to All India + R2R All India Free apart from 10GB. For Delhi Users; I shall be providing the LTE Sims Online. So stay tuned to RIMweb.in
  7. Reliance CDMA Shutting down

    JIO = SPRINT/VERIZON/AT&T All activations, services, facilities will be like those giants of USA. Jio bringing all Home Solutions, Enterprise Solutions, Personal Solutions under one roof. RCOM - Backward Systems.
  8. Reliance CDMA Shutting down

    I doubt a MDN working on both technology, GSM as well as CDMA, Regulatory norms might get hindered too. In such scenario, the technology shall get Unified with Unified Plans and Unified SIMs.
  9. Thanks to Doc Faramroze for help. One query:- is it okay to update the Sprint Core Prime which is on 4.4 as of now..but device is trying to download an update of 19 MBs. Should i update?
  10. Help Required for Samsung 360 Core Prime Sprint While Changing from NV Mode to RUIM if available, i get error and it doesnt get write. Any one can tell how to write/stick RUIM if available on it DFS and CDMA workShop both tried
  11. One query - is it safe to Update Sprint LG Tribute Ls660 to ZV5 if no, how to prevent it from downloading?
  12. Oh My God!! Unbelievable man Thanks a lot Kapil Ji,